2024 Mobile City: Emerging Media, Space, and Sociality in Contemporary Berlin. Cornell University Press.
journal articles
2021 The Gender of the Interface: Coding Masculinity, Crafting Femininity among Berlin’s Creative Class. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 7(2).
2018 “Of Spargel and Spiegel: National Networked Feelings in Berlin.” Anthropological Quarterly 91(4): 1385-1416. Kraemer_2018-preprint.pdf
2014 “Friend or Freund: Social Media and Transnational Connections in Berlin.” Human-Computer Interaction, 29(1), 53–77 (part of a special issue, “Transnational HCI: Humans, Computers and Interactions Considered Globally,” I. Shklovski, J. Vertesi, S. Lindtner, L. Suchman, eds.). Accepted version: jkraemer-friendorfreund-HCI-0613_final (pdf).
book chapters
2022 The Materiality of the Virtual in Urban Space. The Routledge Companion to Media Anthropology. Elisabetta Costa, Patricia G. Lange, Nell Haynes, Jolynna Sinanan, eds. Routledge.
2017 “Locating Emerging Media: Ethnographic Reflections on Culture, Selfhood, and Place.” The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography. Larissa Hjorth, Heather Horst, Anne Galloway, and Genevieve Bell, eds. Invited chapter. Section 4_Jordan Kraemer1JAN-JK0816-accepted.pdf
2015 “Doing Fieldwork, Brb: Locating the field on and with emerging media.” eFieldnotes: the Makings of Anthropology in the Digital World. Roger Sanjek and Susan Tratner, eds. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press: 113–131. Kraemer2016.pdf
book reviews
2017 Reclaiming Media Ideologies. Anthropology Now 9(1): 133-138. Accepted version here: Kraemer-ReclaimingMediaIdeologies-AM-012017 (pdf); originally published online April 27, 2017.
scholarly essays
2022 Visibility, Race, and Public Space: Technologies of Erasure on Digital Platforms. SSRC Just Tech, Dec. 7.
2021 Situated Immersion: Reimagining remote methods. Data & Society: Points. Oct. 27.
2021 Virtually Gendered: Materiality and interface design on transnational social media. Global Perspectives 2(1): 29701. Special Collection: Cross Cultural Feminist Tech. Payal Arora and Rumman Chowdhury, eds.
2018 The Invisible Labor of the Academic Job Market. Invited comment for Cultural Anthropology, online forum on Academic Precarity in American Anthropology, February.
2017 When Social Media are the News. Anthropology News 58(1):42-48. DOI: . Kraemer-2017-Anthropology_News (pdf); originally published online January 2017.
public essays
2019 The trolls are teaming up—and tech platforms aren’t doing enough to stop them. With Danya Glabau. Fast Company, POV, Dec. 10.
2017 Stop doing companies’ digital busywork for free. The Conversation, Science + Technology, Nov. 1.
2017 The Cultural Anxiety of the White Middle Class. Counterpunch, June 28.
2005 Culture and Technology / The myth of tech gadgets and social alienation. San Francisco Chronicle, Opinion, Nov. 16: B-9.
Tech Policy Press, The Sunday Show: Online Lives, Space and Place: Exploring the Mobile City, February 9, 2025.
Get Connected’s The App Show, “A Bleak Future for Car Sharing and Why Internet Trolls Suck,” with hosts Mike Agerbo, John Biehler and AJ Vickery, December 30, 2019.
mtanzer. 2012. “ABC Explores the Dangers of YOLO.” Gawker, Dec. 22, 2012.
“It’s a standard meme explanation piece here until they talk to anthropologist Jordan Kraemer.”
Lupkin, Sydney. 2012. “Young Adults Tweet #YOLO When They Don’t Study, Get Drunk or Drive Too Fast.” ABC News, Health, Dec. 21, 2012.
2016 “2015 Year in Review: Deflating Footballs, Twins in Space, Women (not) in Tech, and More.” Platypus, The CASTAC Blog, Feb. 5.
2015 “2014 in Review: Re-locating the Human,” Platypus, The CASTAC Blog, Jan. 20.
2014 “Ethics of User Experience Research: What Anthropology Can Tell Us about Facebook’s Controversial Study.” The CASTAC Blog, July 21.
2014 “Perils of Public Engagement: Are We All #engagedacademics Now?” The CASTAC Blog, Feb. 26.
2014 “Jordan Kraemer on digital culture, tech trends, and why anthropologists can’t predict the future.” The CASTAC Blog, Feb. 4.
2013 “Rethinking Scale in Social Media: An Ethnographic Perspective.” The CASTAC Blog, July 23.
2013 “MOOCs in the Machine, Part II.” The CASTAC Blog, Jan. 3.
2012 “MOOCs in the Machine, Part I.” The CASTAC Blog, Dec. 29.
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